Hong Kong: Hello Kitty Cafe

Last Updated on July 1, 2021 by Carissa

 So we finally visited one of the cafes that was on my long list of cafes-to-go-to~ the Hello Kitty Café! It is actually called ‘Secret Garden’ in Tai Hang, and it wasn’t easy to find. It was tucked away in a small town; we had to take a taxi to find it as we didn’t know how to walk there.
 When we found the café, the exterior looked very cute~ it was wooden-brown and had a large Hello Kitty statue outside, but the inside was really small, it only had about 5 small tables! There was also a really long queue – we had to queue for about an hour and 15 mins before we got in!
 Once we were seated, we ordered our coffee first~ we had 2 mochas and a hazelnut latte. They had Hello Kitty coffee art on them, so cute! We were drinking our coffees so slowly to avoid ruining the coffee art haha!
 Then we ordered our food~ one full English breakfast and beef burger with chips. The food was really nice, but so expensive~ about $98 each! (HK dollars).
Then we ordered dessert~ a blueberry mousse cake 😛 It was so yummy!

I enjoyed our lunch at the Hello Kitty café, but I don’t think I would come here again because the queue was just too long and the food was a bit pricey (it was expected though, as it is Hello Kitty after all), but it was a nice experience; you definitely have to try it if you are a big Hello Kitty fan! 😀 The cute coffee art and the Hello Kitty style meals are worth it, even if it’s just once 😛 haha though there is another one in Korea that I wouldn’t mind visiting if I ever go to Korea 😛

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