A quick update

A quick update

Last Updated on February 3, 2018 by Carissa

Hey everyone, sorry I haven’t been blogging for a few months as I have just had too much work to do during my final year at university with coursework, dissertation and exams! It has been so full on, but it’s finally all over and I can now relax! (until the job searching begins…). I still have yet to know my results and hopefully be able to graduate, so fingers crossed! My blog has been a little neglected, but now I am back and getting it up and running again! 😀 I have so much to share with you guys, such as the trip to Italy with my boyfriend – which I will be blogging about soon, so keep an eye out!
Here is a throwback to last summer, when we went to Cornwall!
This was taken in a place called ‘Mousehole’ XD haha it was a small but cute town 😛 You can also find this image and other Cornwall pictures on my Instagram 🙂 I haven’t planned anything for this summer yet, but we shall see… sometimes the best things come unexpectedly!
With love,
Carissa xxx