Venice 2016

Venice 2016

Last Updated on May 29, 2019 by Carissa

Last stop in our Italy Trip: Venice.

After visiting Rome and Florence, we headed to the beautiful Venice and spent 2 days there where we visited the main tourist attractions such as the Grand Canal, Piazza San Marco, Saint Marc’s Basilica, San Marco Campanile, Rialto Bridge, Bridge of Sighs and Santa Maria della Salute. If we spent longer in Venice, we would’ve also visited Murano and Burano, as these are also famous attractions.
The bridge of sighs:

We stayed at this hotel – Hotel Colombina. Although it took us ages to find it (we had to take a water taxi to get there when we thought we could walk it, silly us!), it is located in the main tourist area in San Marco.
Piazza San Marco (San Marco Square)
There were loads of canoes everywhere, a popular thing to do in Venice!
San Marco Square looking stunning at night.
The Grand Canal:

 Pasta with lobster 😛 This was delicious!

Taking a boat ride around Venice is a must! It only took an hour to see the whole island by boat.

That was the end of our Italy trip, and it was amazing! We’d definitely want to come to Venice again. A little heads up though for visiting Venice – it is pretty expensive (about £20-30 for a steak dish) and you need to take a water taxi around if you’re going to visit other parts of the island as you are surrounded by water! If you are going to Venice by train like we did (we went from Florence), then make sure you book your train ticket and seat in advance, as it was so full when we went – we almost didn’t get a seat! But aside from that, it is a beautiful place to visit!

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