Day Trip to Brighton

Day Trip to Brighton

Last Updated on January 7, 2018 by Carissa

I recently went to Brighton to visit my sister who is studying there, and thought I’d share some pictures that I took whilst I was there! Brighton is a really touristy place, with attractions like the rocky beach, Brighton Pier, quirky little cafes and vintage shops, seafood restaurants, nightlife, and the new BA I360.


The Brighton Eye (which was once there but now has been replaced by the BA I360) – In my opinion, the Brighton Eye looked way more attractive than the BA I360, but it wasn’t very popular for tourists I guess 🙁
The rocky beach/seafront.

Great photobomb by Mr Seagull in the corner!

The Brighton Pier – there’s some food stalls and an arcade inside, and occasionally a funfair.
The new British Airways (BA) I360 – It’s a glass viewing pod that glides up slowly to 450ft where you can see a 360° view of Brighton, and apparently there’s a Nyetimber Sky Bar inside the pod where you can enjoy a drink whilst taking in the view 😛
Some street views of Brighton – there’s a lot of colourful buildings which look so cute.
Cute little cafes everywhere.
So I had a great day out in Brighton with the fam, and as usual took too many pictures! It was pretty cold and windy though, especially as it’s winter, so I definitely advise going in the summer haha! XD Hope you enjoyed this post!

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