Last Updated on October 17, 2019 by Carissa
It’s now a pretty common thing for people to be interested about health and nutrition and how this can impact our lives. We have so much information out there to guide us we are literally spoilt for choice, and each one of us have our own preferences and ways of pursuing a healthy lifestyle. But the problems that many of us face in our pursuit is how to fit these healthy habits around our busy and demanding lives. It is tough, and we tend to take shortcuts with our health to compensate, which can lead to illnesses that could’ve been avoided. So here is my take on how to live a healthy lifestyle with my 7 healthy habits!
[ This post is sponsored by Free Soul ]
It’s fair to say that exercise is really crucial for our health and well-being, but the difficult thing is how to get motivated, stick to a routine and do it regularly! The best thing to do is to research different types of exercises and see which one you think you would like to try out, and just go for it! For me, I don’t really enjoy running, I prefer more stretching and light exercises, so I like to do Pilates and Yoga. Whatever exercise you choose, try to do half an hour of it everyday. You could join workout classes like Zumba if you like dancing, which can be a fun way to burn off some calories! The main thing is to try and find an exercise that you enjoy so that it doesn’t become a chore.
I recommend taking a protein shake after a workout as your muscles need protein for growth and repair. I find protein shakes are really useful to top up my protein intake and use it as a supplement to my normal diet. It’s so easy to make a protein shake or protein fruit smoothie with it, and I’m loving Free Soul Protein Blends (whey and vegan options) which taste amazing and come in different flavours, including chocolate, vanilla and berry! They also include some superfood ingredients such as Peruvian Maca, Siberian Ginseng and Flaxseed – an added bonus! Free Soul protein blends are specifically formulated for women to support female well-being, hormone balance, bone density, mood and energy!
Switching to healthier snacks:
If you like to snack a lot, first thing to do is to switch out your crisps and chocolate for healthier options like popcorn, low-fat yoghurt, nuts and fruit. Just start off slowly and you’ll soon get used to it!
Enjoy the outdoors:
Like seriously, I think in this day and age we’re all either stuck to our desktops or phones and forget that there’s more to life than just going on the internet and being a couch potato. Go outside for a walk, cycle in the countryside, go swimming or hiking, and just enjoy the fresh air! Me personally, I love a good picnic in the park 😛 It’s a good way to relax your body and mind from the stresses of work, and you can also get some Vitamin D from being in the sun!
Avoid weekend food binges:
After being really good and sticking to your healthy diet for the whole week, all you want to do is eat anything you want on the weekends, I get it. There’s no harm in a cheat day now and then, but it has to be controlled and not throw all your efforts out the window. Portion size is really important, so I think the key here is – everything in moderation.
If you are trying to reduce your food intake but want to ensure that you’re still getting enough nutrients in your body, you could try taking some multi-vitamin tablets to supplement your diet. ‘Her PWR Nutrition Tablets’ by Free Soul are a great supplement that contains natural ingredients with antioxidant properties, such as green tea and green coffee extract, Turmeric which reduces inflammation and Niacin which helps to improve energy levels.
Keep hydrated:
This sounds really obvious but it’s so easy to get caught up with work and forget to drink water regularly! We should try to drink 7-8 glasses of water a day.
Lack of sleep can lead to lots of health problems, and can also impact your mood and concentration levels, so try to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night to avoid feeling really tired and drowsy the next day. Sleep is important for the brain to unwind, declutter and refresh itself, so you can wake up feeling energised and ready to take on the day. The Wake and Sleep Teas by Free Soul are great if you feel really tired in the mornings or struggle to sleep at night, as they can help to bring balance by gently regulating your sleep/wake cycles using natural ingredients.

Have a healthy weekend getaway:
Lastly, remember to treat yourself now and again and take a break from the demands of your work life! Being happy is just as important as being healthy, so do something that you enjoy and that will help you to de-stress, such as going for a relaxing spa treatment or booking a holiday!
I hope you enjoyed my 7 healthy habits and try to incorporate these into your every day life for a healthier, happy lifestyle! Thanks for reading!
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Free Soul. The vegan protein powder, shaker and Sistas t-shirt were kindly gifted. All opinions are my own as always.