Things To Do This Fall

Things To Do This Fall

Summer has come and gone in a blink of an eye this year, and now we’re entering into the season of baggy sweaters and thick knit socks! I love the Fall season, it reminds me of all things cosy. The weather is a bit of a weird one though as it’s warm enough to go outside without wearing a massive coat but cool enough to wear sweaters and scarves! Not complaining though as it’s a nice balance between hot and cold!

Image Source: Christina Loewen

So to get this Autumn party started, here is my list of things that you can do this Fall:

Image Source: One Pleasant Day

Make a pumpkin spiced latte at home – (or just buy one from Starbz if you’re too lazy)

Stock up on jumpers – (which will come in handy for winter too)

Bake Autumn favourites – (apple pie, carrot and sultana cake, orange and almond cake, anything with cinnamon or plum in it would be so good!)

Binge watch classic Disney films (I recommend doing this while wearing a onesie or snuggled up in your duvet!)

Have a scary movie night with friends

Go to a haunted theme park (Thorpe Park at Halloween is great!)

Carve pumpkins when it gets to Halloween (I like to look for cool designs to carve!)

Picnic in a park

Go on a Fall nature hike

Countryside road trip

Read a book in a new café (so cosy right?)

Image Source: Polly.Florence

Image Source: Warm Socks-Warm Drinks

I hope that gets you into the Fall spirit! Keeping this post short and sweet this time. I’m loving beige tones this season, can you tell? There’s something about Fall that makes you just want to slow down, unwind, and reflect on ourselves. That is until it hits Halloween, and then the craziness starts!

Let me know in the comments below what you love to do during the Fall season?

Carissa xx
