25 Things I’ve Learned at 25

25 things I've learned at 25

This comes as a late post as my birthday was actually a few months ago, but I’ve been thinking about a lot of things lately and thought this would make a great post.

I don’t think it’s quite sunken in that I’ve actually turned 25, I think I stopped counting after I reached 21! Every year when my birthday comes around, I never feel any different (who does?), but infact when I think about it and reflect on the past and how much I’ve grown and experienced, I’ve come a long way. 

25 things I've learned at 25

So I thought it was time I shared a little bit of wisdom that I’ve gained over the years from just generally living my life; I don’t claim to know it all and I know that I still have so much more to learn, but I hope you find this interesting to read or can even relate to! If you’re younger than me, I hope you would find these helpful! 

Here goes my 25 things I’ve learned at 25: 

  1. Some people come into your life as a blessing, others come as a lesson.
  2. If it costs you your happiness, then it’s too damn expensive. 
  3. When you succeed, pay attention to those who say nothing. 
  4. Karma does come back around, just not always as quickly as you’d like it to. 
  5. Foam mattresses are worth the investment. 
  6. Saying ‘no’ more often to things you really don’t care about is good for you. 
  7. Trust yourself and go with your gut instinct. 
  8. Choosing to live for yourself and no one else is freedom. 
  9. You’re not the same person you were 10 years ago, allow yourself to change and evolve.
  10. Love is all about sacrifice, compromise and being selfless.
  11. Don’t suppress your emotions and tears, as they won’t disappear and will find a way to resurface. Find out the root cause and deal with them.
  12. Don’t worry about what other people think, just do you.
  13. It’s never too late to change your path.
  14. Don’t be afraid of the unknown and take a chance. 
  15. You might not be able to control the situation, but you can control your mindset and attitude. 
  16. Dulce de Leche ice cream is the pick-me-up you need after a bad day. 
  17. Your childhood explains a lot about why you’re the way you are. 
  18. Dreams speak a higher truth. 
  19. Travel feeds the soul. 
  20. If at first you don’t succeed, dye, dye and dye again (your hair I mean). 
  21.  Don’t sit on the fence in fear of being judged, your opinion is valuable and will be respected by others.
  22. My tolerance for drama and shit is now zero.
  23. People can’t read your mind, so express yourself.
  24. The struggles of a savings plan has never been more real. 
  25. Being different to everyone else is a blessing in disguise. 
25 things I've learned at 25

I feel like these would make great life quotes or Instagram captions, don’t you think? haha! Or maybe they would be too cringey, idk.

Thank you for reading this post and I hope you enjoyed it! Can you relate to any of these?
