Hello there!

Welcome to my blog! I’m Carissa, a lifestyle blogger and digital marketer who loves to share my love of travel, blogging and mindful living to help others on their journeys. You’ll find travel guides, food guides, blogging tips (and sometimes deep thoughts) on here. I love to inspire readers to embrace their individuality and live in the moment.

2021 catch-up: things I’ve been into – Anime, Gaming, etc

2021 catch-up: things I’ve been into – Anime, Gaming, etc

It’s been a while on my blog so I thought I’d have a little catch-up with you on what I’ve been up to this year so far. I have lacked the energy and motivation to…

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Hello 2021.

Hello 2021.

Goodbye 2020, hello 2021. Guys, we made it! What a tumultuous year it’s been. I usually look forward to writing my little yearly summary in the new year, but this time, I avoided it. I…

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