Hello there!

Welcome to my blog! I’m Carissa, a lifestyle blogger and digital marketer who loves to share my love of travel, blogging and mindful living to help others on their journeys. You’ll find travel guides, food guides, blogging tips (and sometimes deep thoughts) on here. I love to inspire readers to embrace their individuality and live in the moment.

How to Switch Off from Social Media

How to Switch Off from Social Media

It has become a norm for most us to have social media accounts these days and to keep up to date with what is happening in the world via Instagram or Facebook. I think it’s…

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Challenges of Being a Blogger

Challenges of Being a Blogger

Anyone can be a blogger right? All you need is a computer, set up a blog and be able to write. It’s simple. That is of course, if you’re going to do it as a…

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