Hello there!

Welcome to my blog! I’m Carissa, a lifestyle blogger and digital marketer who loves to share my love of travel, blogging and mindful living to help others on their journeys. You’ll find travel guides, food guides, blogging tips (and sometimes deep thoughts) on here. I love to inspire readers to embrace their individuality and live in the moment.

Top 10 Tips for Working from Home Productively

Top 10 Tips for Working from Home Productively

Working from home has become a prevalent and often preferred mode of work in recent years. It offers flexibility, eliminates commuting stress, and provides a comfortable environment. However, the line between work and personal life…

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3 Tips for Better Self-Care

3 Tips for Better Self-Care

With our over-flowing to-do lists and jam-packed schedules, it can be really hard to find time to take care of ourselves properly. Most of the time, self-care just falls to the bottom of the list…

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Dermalogica ProSkin30 Treatment

Dermalogica ProSkin30 Treatment

I was recently invited by Dermalogica to try out their new ProSkin30 treatment at one of their stores, and at the time my skin was not looking great so I just had to go and…

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The Honestly Good Smoothie Co: Review

The Honestly Good Smoothie Co: Review

The Honestly Good Smoothies: So on my quest to lead a healthier lifestyle, I’ve been meaning to make more fruit and veg smoothies as a way to get in some of my 5 a day.…

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My Simple Tips for Staying Healthy

My Simple Tips for Staying Healthy

We all start off with good intentions to try and live a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes life gets in the way and it can be difficult to stick to a healthy regime or have time…

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How to Lead a More Positive Life

How to Lead a More Positive Life

The winter blues is real – the dark and dreary weather can really affect our mood and make us feel slightly depressed, which is what I’ve been feeling lately. Higher melatonin levels, hormone changes and…

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