Hello there!

Welcome to my blog! I’m Carissa, a lifestyle blogger and digital marketer who loves to share my love of travel, blogging and mindful living to help others on their journeys. You’ll find travel guides, food guides, blogging tips (and sometimes deep thoughts) on here. I love to inspire readers to embrace their individuality and live in the moment.

Christmas in Brussels

Christmas in Brussels

Previous Christmases we would have stayed in London and probably visit the famous Winter Wonderland, but this year we decided to venture out a little; we took a short weekend trip to Brussels instead to…

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The Enchanted Forest Xmas Event – The Body Shop

The Enchanted Forest Xmas Event – The Body Shop

Straight after Halloween, out comes all the Christmas lights! It’s crazy how we’re celebrating the lead up to Christmas in November, it’s so early! But hey, if we’re extending the Christmas festivities an extra month…

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Christmas 2017

Christmas 2017

Hope everyone is having a good Christmas! Here is a quick update of what I’ve been up to this Xmas: Winter Wonderland I always love coming to Winter Wonderland at Christmas time to soak up…

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Our American Dining Experience at Big Easy

Our American Dining Experience at Big Easy

We’ve been meaning to try this place for a while now, and we’ve finally tried it and it definitely didn’t fail to impress! My boyfriend surprised me by taking me to ‘Big Easy’, an American…

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Flesh & Buns, London

Flesh & Buns, London

So my boyfriend and I decided to try out this restaurant during the Xmas holiday, called ‘Flesh & Buns’ – a Japanese restaurant located in Covent Garden, London that specialises in steamed buns! You can…

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Christmas 2016

Christmas 2016

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year! I was so busy during Christmas that I didn’t have much time to post on my blog! ><” So now I’m going to update you all with what I’ve…

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Icebar London

Icebar London

Here is one place I’ve been longing to visit – the London Ice Bar! 😀 So this year we decided to give it a go during the Christmas season! It’s the only bar in the…

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