Hello there!

Welcome to my blog! I’m Carissa, a lifestyle blogger and digital marketer who loves to share my love of travel, blogging and mindful living to help others on their journeys. You’ll find travel guides, food guides, blogging tips (and sometimes deep thoughts) on here. I love to inspire readers to embrace their individuality and live in the moment.

Santorini Summer Vacay 2017

Santorini Summer Vacay 2017

After spamming you all with my pictures on Instagram, I have finally found the time to blog! Santorini has been on my bucket list for some time now, and my boyfriend and I finally had…

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How to Save Up For a Holiday

How to Save Up For a Holiday

Are you constantly searching on SkyScanner or Ebookers for affordable holidays, but always feel like it’s too expensive, especially when you add up the costs for flight + hotel + spending money? Or you always…

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4 Days in Prague – Valentine’s Getaway

4 Days in Prague – Valentine’s Getaway

 Hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day! This year, my boyfriend and I decided to celebrate this special occasion in the lovely Prague <3 We set off on the actual day and stayed there for 4…

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Venice 2016

Venice 2016

Last stop in our Italy Trip: Venice. After visiting Rome and Florence, we headed to the beautiful Venice and spent 2 days there where we visited the main tourist attractions such as the Grand Canal,…

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Florence 2016

Florence 2016

Second stop in Italy: Florence. After 4 days in Rome, we travelled by train to Florence and visited places such as Ponte Vecchio, Florence Cathedral, Basilica of Santa Croce, Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, Piazzale…

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Rome 2016

Rome 2016

  First stop in our Italy Trip – Rome: We visited lots of tourist attractions such as the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum, Arch of Constantine, St. Peter’s Basilica, the Spanish Steps, Piazza Venezia, Piazza del Popolo,…

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Italy Trip – Rome, Florence & Venice

Italy Trip – Rome, Florence & Venice

 Italy has been one of the top places that I’ve wanted to visit for a long time (amongst many other places on my list haha), so during the Easter holidays, my boyfriend and I decided, as…

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